
Exploring the Frame of Life: Challenges and Celebrations

Your soul signed up for this journey. I kind of look at it like there are two parts of your soul. There are two versions of your soul at all times the guide and then with the roadmap. The guide has the roadmap that knows which direction it wants to go in this lifetime, the lessons it wants to learn, to round out your soul. Kind of like the levels of a video game.  Then there's the explorer or the journeyman who is on this path  trying to find the lessons, or make sense of the lessons, or accomplish the lessons, that the soul guide has put forth in this lifetime.  So it's the last month of the year.  December 12th, we have a new moon and we have Mercury retrograde.  I don't know, but this new moon feels super yummy to me, it just it feels really good, really nice. What I feel I'm being called to ask myself and then again to share with you, or I'd like to share with you, is to take some time now, before we get knee deep into the holidays to take a moment to do some re

The Wormhole of Transformation: Surrender, Reconnect, and Redefine

  Alright, who else here feels like they might have been going through a meat grinder a little bit in the last few weeks? Oh, my goodness, there's been so much coming through, so many messages about letting go and refining and releasing things that no longer serve, but these things feel like they've been trapped in the past, like really kind of like old, old little wrinkles in our times, in our bodies, right, and they have roots there, these sources of protection or sources of fear or sources of anxiety or not feeling enough or not knowing what to grab onto, what to hold onto, and they're showing up, or they've been showing up in the last few weeks a lot for me personally and I'm also seeing it in others through readings and it's like the universe is asking us to redefine, re-envision our essence, without the labels that we've grown accustomed to or that we rely on as part of our identity.  There's a few things that I've been thinking about lately. O

Unleash Energy Effciency and Relationship Optimization.

Okay, who here is feeling like we are at the ramp-up of a huge-ass roller coaster? Maybe it's the holidays approaching, maybe its the eclipses, maybe it's each of us individually, but to me this energy is starting to feel like a universal message. The message is: Let go.  The image this week is of a woman desperately clenching on to the coat of another.  Desperate for the other not to leave. Afraid to look at the world around her without the other's presence in her life.  Loosen your grip. Let go. This life is a trip because we are asked to, want to, celebrate our own individualness, utilize our own unique flavor or perspective, but at the same time let go of the fact that we are truly not in control of any of it.  It's like our soul has a contract with the universe to accomplish certain things, learn certain lessons, grow in various ways, and help certain people in this lifetime, and no matter which turn you take, those pre-destined contract points are waiting for you.

Make Room for Magic

This message has been coming forward everywhere. So not just in readings, in life, in interactions with other people, and for myself as well. This is the message, "Make room for Magic". No, I'm not talking Harry Potter. I'm not talking anything like that. Do you ever feel like, I feel like in this life we hold on so tight? Like our egos are so strong and the ego is attached to fear and a balanced portion of it is healthy. But our society and the way we live in general in this era, this time, is so connected to that ego and that false sense of control. In yoga there's a saying there's a word Maya, which means illusion. And the illusion is that this separate world A we can control and B is real. The Native Americans, I'm not sure which tribe, but I do remember hearing this a long time ago and it resonated so much with me is that they believe that the dream state is reality and the day today state is the dream. Similar message, but