Trust and Fear
The difference is between the physical and the eternal.
We are both human and spirit. Consciousness and matter. One of the main illusions of this world is that matter is truth. Matter is an obstacle to truth. In yoga it is maya. The illusion that all you see, hear, taste, touch and smell is drawing you further into the conclusion that matter is ‘REAL” or Matter is reality. But what the ancient texts, most religions allude to is that that spark within, that light, that spirit, that consciousness, that is what is real because it is eternal.
The eternal trusts. The eternal loves. It has no reason to fear because it knows all. Time, space, lifetimes.
It cannot get confused or corrupted by reason or passing fads. I cannot be swayed by passionate speech or ill intent. It is truth.
Fear is a challenge of the human form. It helps us not to loose our beautiful human costume our spirit is living in by letting us know fire burns, accidents happen, and our human costume is fragile. All of our human costumes are fragile. So in order to keep them, we inherently fear anything that challenges its loss.
But our eternal soul is never scared or confused or fearful of this because it is truth, it is love, it is trust.
I remember my teacher saying to me, you can rationalize anything. That is truth. Took me a minute to ponder on it, but it really is true. You can rationalize and argue anything. Rationalization is a sexy and advanced version of fear in action. Which can cause lots of confusion. You can rationalize your religion, your politics, your life choices. But when you did down deep into why you hold the rationalizations, the seed is most likely rooted in fear. Fear of change, fear of suffering (also can be rationalized), fear of aggression, fear of imbalance, fear of being alone, fear of death, fear of not mattering.
I often use the phrase, there is no good or bad there just is. And what is, is information. When one is experimenting from a scientific perspective, Information can be extremely supportive It can help solve a problem, issue or be the key to accomplishing a goal.
Information can be extracted through the wisdom of others, your own experience, an expert’s assessment, but when the information is filtered through any sort of rationalization or quality of good or bad, that filter confuses the experiment. Contaminates it even.
Information is processed by the brain. The brain is the CEO of the body. The transient physical costume our soul finds itself in. The brain being connected to the body, also experiences emotions connected to the body like fear, doubt, worry, anxiety and pain.
The eternal soul, is not connected to those emotions. But just like our brain being the CEO of our bodies, the Soul also has a CEO, the heart-mind. Not the physical heart but the heart – mind. This is experienced, in my opinion as intuition. The voice of your soul. The emotions, if any that are connected with it are trust, faith, creativity and love.
If all forms of fear can be boiled down to 1 which is the fear of death, the thing which does not die will not own that experience or fear.
All this to rationalize/ or communicate what I have found to be true, what I have noticed and why I think this is an important discussion at this moment in time.
Fear, anxiety, illusion, concentration on materialism, rationalization, hatred, anger, separation are all confusing our internal and external unity. Our soul unity and our physical unity.
The word intuition I believe is used very freely now. But I have notice that there is some confusion on what true intuition is.
True intuition is not attached to any of the fear-based feelings like, anger, hate, or separation. Intuition rarely offers advice, guidance or communicates with us through emotion at all. It is rarely loud. It is usually subtle. It is usually quiet. Simple. Grounded. And detached.
As we move further into this year. A year where emotional stakes are high, in the us and around the world with war, misinformation, valid rationalizations, big fears, more separation that union, I wanted to offer this reflection on clarity. What to listen to – what information to let guide you.
Your soul has one goal, guide you through the lessons you agreed to experience in this life, experience this transient human costume to elevate and expand it’s eternal consciousness.
So when you look to your intuition for guidance as the communicator for your soul, know how it speaks to you.
Observe – like a scientist, does my intuition speak loud, quiet? Is it still, or active? Is this voice I am hearing, feeling or experiencing as my intuition – trusting or fearful?
Here is what I have noticed: Intuition is rarely loud unless it needs to be. It is detached. It is simple. It is rooted in love and connection. It does not operate from fear or fear-based emotions. It does not separate.
There are active ways to communicate with your intuition through silent meditation, clearing the mind or brain talk, and listening with empathy and emptiness. Without agenda. You can speak directly to your intuition through techniques like the psychic rose or just straight up asking. If the answer you receive is simple, detached, based in love and connection without judgement or fear, that is your soul speaking to you.
That is the way to make sure you do not stray from your truth in a time of chaos and confusion. That is your true north pole. Let it guide you. Trust it.
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