Find Your Magical Place

 Deep down in the belly of your mind's eye is a magical place. A special spot just for you. A space all your own, filled with magic, possibility and wonder. Have you been there? Do you want to go? 

Our minds are wonderful at creating things. Our imagination is one of the modifications of the mind in yoga we call it Vikalpa. According to the Patanjali yoga sutras, the modifications of the mind can be either pain causing or non pain causing. Therefore our imaginations can bring us joy or suffering. 

Suffering caused by imagination would be fear, worry. How many times have you come up with elaborate scenarios, worked yourself into a tissy and not of it, not one thing you can point to as true. But you feel it as 100% real. 

Joy caused by imagination could be similar, creating a similar scenario, but this time with outcomes that light you up, make you happy, bring joy. 

Imagination is transient. But we can use our imagination to cultivate a beautiful space - a secret space - where we are filled with joy, with all the things we love and carve out the space to connect with our light. 

We create elaborate churches and places of worship to go to, to connect with our higher selves. This week the message is, create that space within you. Define it in intricate detail. No one can ever take that space away from you. There, that, is your place of connection. Of worship. Anchor into it and watch your light grow. 


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