
TRUSTING YOUR QUIET VOICE: NAVIGATING INTUITION + FEAR Trust and Fear    The difference is between the physical and the eternal.    We are both human and spirit. Consciousness and matter. One of the main illusions of this world is that matter is truth. Matter is an obstacle to truth. In yoga it is maya. The illusion that all you see, hear, taste, touch and smell is drawing you further into the conclusion that matter is ‘REAL” or Matter is reality. But what the ancient texts, most religions allude to is that that spark within, that light, that spirit, that consciousness, that is what is real because it is eternal.    The eternal trusts. The eternal loves. It has no reason to fear because it knows all. Time, space, lifetimes.    It cannot get confused or corrupted by reason or passing fads. I cannot be swayed by passionate speech or ill intent. It is truth.    Fear is a challenge of the human form. It helps us not to loose our beautiful hu...

Breathe into your Magic: 5 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself

  The message of the day is just breathe into your magic. I don't know why that makes me want to cry when I say it, but it does Breathe into your magic.  I realize what I just said kind of sounds like BS, but it's not. It's not Because and this is why I believe it's not Because whatever words can hold a candle to your heart to keep you moving forward towards your most elevated, highly vibrational self, that's not BS, that's just forward-moving energy helping you along your way. That's how I look at it at. So today, this is the spiritual sketch breathe into your magical self. This sketch is a pegasus. I was really proud of this when I drew it. I was not expecting for it to. I mean, it's a. You can scrutinize it too much. You'll find some balls in the like the size of the legs. I'm going to be honest, they're pretty small, but I see this in my mind. I see this in like magical, glittery pastel colors, right, like that's how I see this beauti...

Echos of the Soul: Harnessing Quiet Ancestral Wisdom

This week we're looking at a spiritual sketch that came from a reading and the universal message memory has intelligence. If you place a cup of water with an image underneath and then freeze it, it will actually create the image upon which it sits. Water has memory, it holds energy, and in that study, where they placed the water upon an image and froze it and then the water created the image upon which it sat, it also used interpretation, so it wasn't always carbon copy of what it was on top of the image, it was on top of. It used interpretation, flipped things around. I'll add the link here, if I can, so you can see what I'm talking about, and this study was very interesting. But what this made me think of, or what this study brought up, or how I find this relates to the message of this week, is that, just like water, our energy has memory, ancestral memory, ancestral intelligence and wisdom. The reason I bring this up today is I don't know you tell me how you feel...

Fairy in the Trees: Fish in the Trees

Some of us are just fairies hiding in the trees. This week's universal message, vibrate with your soul's frequency. There is a quote, I may have said it before, but it's a good one that bares repeating. "Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing it is stupid." This quote is attributed to Einstein but there is debate around that. What there is not debate around is the beauty of this message. Be uniquely you, that's where your genius lies.  This universal message has been coming up a lot lately, personally and in readings. And it's not just judgement. It's environment as well. Judging the fish for not being able to climb the tree is one thing, forcing them to do something they aren't make for is another, in addition to placing them in a completely wrong environment for them to flourish.  This image came from a reading. It is a fairy hiding amongst the trees. A miniatu...

You are magic: Believe it!: 3 Easy Practices to Reconnect to Your Light

  When we are kids, we are free, happy, connected to our light. We feel things, we process them, we let them go, we listen with our hearts. When we grow up, our heads take over and we loose a bit of that light connection. We stop fully feeling and processing. We stop playing. We stop believing in our magic.  The universal message this week comes from this image. The specific message was about reconnecting to joy and light and play. That is also the universal message today. This little girl is smiling, playful, happy, surrounded by diamonds showing her inner magic/ light.  Ok, so how do we disconnect from our light? How do we reconnect? There are many answers to both questions. What comes to mind now is an example I use when talking to clients about their aura and energies that get trapped in it.  The universe is a yes man. You say what you want, the universe says yes. If you aren't clear, the universe says, yes. If you are filled with worry and doubt, the universe sa...

Find Your Magical Place

 Deep down in the belly of your mind's eye is a magical place. A special spot just for you. A space all your own, filled with magic, possibility and wonder. Have you been there? Do you want to go?  Our minds are wonderful at creating things. Our imagination is one of the modifications of the mind in yoga we call it Vikalpa. According to the Patanjali yoga sutras, the modifications of the mind can be either pain causing or non pain causing. Therefore our imaginations can bring us joy or suffering.  Suffering caused by imagination would be fear, worry. How many times have you come up with elaborate scenarios, worked yourself into a tissy and not of it, not one thing you can point to as true. But you feel it as 100% real.  Joy caused by imagination could be similar, creating a similar scenario, but this time with outcomes that light you up, make you happy, bring joy.  Imagination is transient. But we can use our imagination to cultivate a beautiful space - a secret...

Fear is the Matrix: Trust Your Intuition

The idea that we are all just living in a matrix is currently popular but now necessarily new. From ancient yogis who use the phrase "be of the world but not in it" to the movie with Keanu Reeves flying through the air and haunted by which pill to take, to the most recent  - simulation theory - the idea that there is more that the tangible to experience in our lives had been a part of human experience for eons.  What the matrix is, has been debated and there are a million philosophies, religions and ideas of how to move through it.   

Exploring the Frame of Life: Challenges and Celebrations

Your soul signed up for this journey. I kind of look at it like there are two parts of your soul. There are two versions of your soul at all times the guide and then with the roadmap. The guide has the roadmap that knows which direction it wants to go in this lifetime, the lessons it wants to learn, to round out your soul. Kind of like the levels of a video game.  Then there's the explorer or the journeyman who is on this path  trying to find the lessons, or make sense of the lessons, or accomplish the lessons, that the soul guide has put forth in this lifetime.  So it's the last month of the year.  December 12th, we have a new moon and we have Mercury retrograde.  I don't know, but this new moon feels super yummy to me, it just it feels really good, really nice. What I feel I'm being called to ask myself and then again to share with you, or I'd like to share with you, is to take some time now, before we get knee deep into the holidays to take a moment to do som...

The Wormhole of Transformation: Surrender, Reconnect, and Redefine

  Alright, who else here feels like they might have been going through a meat grinder a little bit in the last few weeks? Oh, my goodness, there's been so much coming through, so many messages about letting go and refining and releasing things that no longer serve, but these things feel like they've been trapped in the past, like really kind of like old, old little wrinkles in our times, in our bodies, right, and they have roots there, these sources of protection or sources of fear or sources of anxiety or not feeling enough or not knowing what to grab onto, what to hold onto, and they're showing up, or they've been showing up in the last few weeks a lot for me personally and I'm also seeing it in others through readings and it's like the universe is asking us to redefine, re-envision our essence, without the labels that we've grown accustomed to or that we rely on as part of our identity.  There's a few things that I've been thinking about lately. O...