Stay Curious, Play!: Embracing growth and joy in life

STAY CURIOUS, PLAY! Sometimes you gotta just go with the flow. Hold your purpose and keep moving forward through the chaos. Bruce Lee said 'be like the water.' This week's message: Stay curious, play! This is one of my favorite sayings - for many reasons. Today I share a few reasons why. What happens when we are no longer curious? When we know enough, have done enough, made enough friends? When we don't feel the need to try anymore or learn anymore? When become more afraid of failing than seeing what new opportunity we may explore? This I find to be the saddest part of growing up. The misconception of being grown. That being grown means that there is no more growing left to do. In my opinion, being grown just means there is a new level of growing to explore. Play! Spirit is playful. If you have ever prayed or asked the universe, god, etc. for something and were not specific, you know how playful it can be. Playfulness ignites our imagination. According to Descart...