TRUSTING YOUR QUIET VOICE: NAVIGATING INTUITION + FEAR Trust and Fear The difference is between the physical and the eternal. We are both human and spirit. Consciousness and matter. One of the main illusions of this world is that matter is truth. Matter is an obstacle to truth. In yoga it is maya. The illusion that all you see, hear, taste, touch and smell is drawing you further into the conclusion that matter is ‘REAL” or Matter is reality. But what the ancient texts, most religions allude to is that that spark within, that light, that spirit, that consciousness, that is what is real because it is eternal. The eternal trusts. The eternal loves. It has no reason to fear because it knows all. Time, space, lifetimes. It cannot get confused or corrupted by reason or passing fads. I cannot be swayed by passionate speech or ill intent. It is truth. Fear is a challenge of the human form. It helps us not to loose our beautiful hu...