Finding the Play in Work, and the Work in Play: A Journey of Joy and Purpose

This picture brings up something I've been thinking about a lot and marinating over. The message has been kind of ruminating around me and it's begging to come forward this week. The picture is of a bouquet of flowers, peonies actually, in a vase. The vase sits on the earth or on the ground and underneath where the bouquet of flowers sits are all the flowers deep roots. The two seem as if they should be separate, but they are connected. As an artist or creative person and someone who is spiritual I have always struggled on which direction to go towards, fully. The spiritual world is exciting to me because there is an endless supply of questions, curiosity, things to learn places and areas to grow. It reminds me of the first time I went snorkeling. It was in Aruba, and it was like looking at an entire other world under the water. Functional, beautiful, orchestrated, thriving. Then I started to think about how what I was exploring in that moment, was just a pin d...