Make Room for Magic

This message has been coming forward everywhere. So not just in readings, in life, in interactions with other people, and for myself as well. This is the message, "Make room for Magic". No, I'm not talking Harry Potter. I'm not talking anything like that. Do you ever feel like, I feel like in this life we hold on so tight? Like our egos are so strong and the ego is attached to fear and a balanced portion of it is healthy. But our society and the way we live in general in this era, this time, is so connected to that ego and that false sense of control. In yoga there's a saying there's a word Maya, which means illusion. And the illusion is that this separate world A we can control and B is real. The Native Americans, I'm not sure which tribe, but I do remember hearing this a long time ago and it resonated so much with me is that they believe that the dream state is reality and the day today state is the dream. Similar message, but...