Reflections as Catalysts: Embracing Growth and Radiating Awesomeness

REFLECTIONS ARE OPPORTUNITIES FOR LESSONS This image from Magnetize Your Light - the book- has been percolating in my subconscious lately. There have been several conversations and situations lately where I did not show up like I wish I had. Or was confronted with words, energy or situations I was not a huge fan of. There are at least two go to responses in these situations: 1) blame. Aka full service option at gas station. Have others do the work. Blame others for situation. Let someone/ something else make you feel better/ fill you up and move on. Or…2) the harder route: Self Serve choice at gas station. Do the work yourself. Fill up your own tank and take responsibility for doing so. I truly believe we are all frequencies and vibration. How we radiate bounces off others and returns back to us. Just like looking in a cracked mirror. Elements of our reflection come back to us - slightly distorted- from the frequency/ vibration they bounce off. Realizing th...