“Big Faith”

"Big Faith" This image came out of a reading has been haunting me in the best way since. A young woman stands on her path, blinded and stuck by the fog that lies ahead of her. The fog is blocking her from seeing her journey. Scared, filled with doubt she remains still. Stuck. Her guide encourages her to keep going. But all she sees is the fog. Once she clears past the fog, her journey continues. She is challenged on her path, met by an icy river that she must cross by balancing on mini icebergs. Now she can see the beauty of the solid ground that lies ahead. Her faith and focus become one. There is sunshine, life, love, freedom, beauty on the other side of the fog (her fear). What is required of her is to have "Big Faith" (my new favorite term that a good friend and beautiful soul, Kristin McCurry, introduced to me.) Not just faith, but BIG FAITH and the courage to walk the path ahead. I read a quote by Oprah years ago. "You find your path by walking it...